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Active recruitment: reaching motorcycle enthusiasts through networking

Audience: B2C

Objective: A major motorcycle manufacturer wanted to interview people that owned competitor brands. Their brand was aiming to understand why motorcyclists were flocking to other major US brands over their own. These insights would later influence future models and make blueprints to remain competitive in the market.

Challenge: The make, model, and year of the requested motorcycle owners was narrow with no room for flexibility based on the customer’s research goals. 

10K Humans Active Recruitment Approach: Thoroughly searching both Facebook and Reddit for specialty groups centered around riders of the requested competitor brands. Motorcycle enthusiasts are passionate - asking them to talk about their brands to receive an incentive was the easy part, building trust to onboard them and collect their information was the real hurdle! Becoming an active member of these forums and groups to build rapport among the riders themselves was an integral part of building trust to onboard participants for online interviews. Pre-emptive desk research on the specific competitor brands positioned our recruiters as experts on the motorcycles themselves, which sparked much interest in riders. Through fostering each individual relationship on a personal level, the team was able to leverage the riding communities to generate referrals and delight our client with the recruit. 

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— Expert analysis provides detailed understanding of the beneficiaries you serve, your peers in the non-profit sector, your generous donors, and more.
— Eagerness to partner with causes of all scopes and sizes, from international charities to individual teams.
— Services offered pro bono or at cost for qualifying entrants, furthering the social impact of your cause.

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— Working alongside Lindz Amer and Queer Kid Stuff, we’ve conducted a multi-part brand awareness study to establish awareness of the brand and Amer’s new book Rainbow Parenting. In over twenty in-depth interviews and a rigorous quantitative survey phase, we’ve uncovered valuable insights into opportunities for customer engagement and opportunities to bolster customer financial support.
— Supporting HoMie, an Australian-based charity tackling youth homelessness, by testing innovative software from Research Goat. By conducting in-depth interviews via a variety of methods, we’ll unearth crucial insights about the customer experience at HoMie, and follow up with a large-scale quantitative survey to understand the charity’s reach.
— Assisting Hands on Tokyo as they endeavor to address disability rights and environmental issues in Japan. In response to one of Hands on Tokyo’s inspiring live events, we delivered a video reel and additional content, both featuring enhanced accessibility for Japanese and English speakers.
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