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Active Recruiting vs Social Sampling

by: Jay Tye

Long gone are the days where research could only be recruited from existing databases or panels that were built over time. Shockingly, many (READ: most) research suppliers are still operating in the Days of Yore. 

Social media broke down the barrier of entry to recruiting participants for research, known in the industry as “social sampling”. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok etc. can all be leveraged for recruitment with a bit of know-how. 

While it is progress, the usual pitfalls exist (i.e. professional respondents that scour social media for studies, multitude of fake profiles, etc.). 

Active Recruitment takes things a step further, going beyond social sampling by using the power of people and their connections (and their connection’s connections) to target and recruit people into studies. 

Enter the Market Research Gig Economy.  

By creating and socializing paid networking gigs around the globe, we’re able to leverage the power of the people to go out into their digital and physical world to recruit qualified respondents into our studies. 

Need Maybelline makeup artists in Australia? Pediatric dentists in 10 markets across the US and Canada? Finding them on social media alone will be tough. With our Active Recruitment model we’ll deploy a “networking” gig push-notification to our vetted and profiled gig workers- paying them for their time to recruit their dentists, their friend’s dentists, their dentist’s dentist and so on. 

Our gig workers are creative and agile- leveraging their own networks both online (social media, the metaverse, Reddit, YouTube, Yelp, etc.) and offline (social meet-ups, sporting events, concerts, church, school, etc.) to sleuth their way to our target audiences. 

Active Recruiting is finding people in a way that validates the behaviors we are looking for. Combined with a robust vetting process, the caliber of respondents has never been better. 

This is the new wave. 

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— Expert analysis provides detailed understanding of the beneficiaries you serve, your peers in the non-profit sector, your generous donors, and more.
— Eagerness to partner with causes of all scopes and sizes, from international charities to individual teams.
— Services offered pro bono or at cost for qualifying entrants, furthering the social impact of your cause.

— Partnering with scholars across the academic landscape, we’re efforting to humanize the transgender population by understanding how they score on normal variables of personality and gender-stereotyped behavior. This large-scale quantitative project focuses on and engages with the transgender community as people, rather than as a clinical, pathologized population. Uniting academics from Loyola Marymount University, Northeastern University, and University of Rhode Island, this work aims to add to the incomplete body of scholarship on transgender people.
— Working alongside Lindz Amer and Queer Kid Stuff, we’ve conducted a multi-part brand awareness study to establish awareness of the brand and Amer’s new book Rainbow Parenting. In over twenty in-depth interviews and a rigorous quantitative survey phase, we’ve uncovered valuable insights into opportunities for customer engagement and opportunities to bolster customer financial support.
— Supporting HoMie, an Australian-based charity tackling youth homelessness, by testing innovative software from Research Goat. By conducting in-depth interviews via a variety of methods, we’ll unearth crucial insights about the customer experience at HoMie, and follow up with a large-scale quantitative survey to understand the charity’s reach.
— Assisting Hands on Tokyo as they endeavor to address disability rights and environmental issues in Japan. In response to one of Hands on Tokyo’s inspiring live events, we delivered a video reel and additional content, both featuring enhanced accessibility for Japanese and English speakers.
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